Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Job Situation: 5/19/09

Here I am no were again, Westview Service told me that they are not able to place me at a job that suits my standards. So basically I wasted a year and a half with Westview Service and gain nothing out of attended job club weekly. Now I wait for another provider to place me in a workplace.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Streets are better then sidewalks

Being in a power wheelchair operating by my chin is not difficult. The streets are smoother then sidewalks. Because of driveways and curve cuts doesn't make it constantly level. It actually is more dangerous for a power wheelchair to be on the sidewalk then the street. I must go slower to avoid cracks, bumps and people while on the sidewalk. However, on the street is level easier to avoid cracks, bumps and people also I could go faster.

I love bicycle lanes. You hardly see bicycles on sidewalks? Why not power wheelchair?

Monday, April 06, 2009

Using the Elevators

It seems that ever where I go when there is elevator. Everyone seems to be eager to take it, instead of taking the stairs.

Why is that?

Most people do not even let the people who really need it in first. No wonder why people are gaining weight! They not using the stairs and they are spending money at a gym.

The elevators stinks there aren't rest rooms!

How can we educate the public to use the stairs instead of the elevator? It also will save power?

Any ideals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Job Hunting

Every time when I submit an application with out revealing my disability. The employer seems very Inger to employee me however, when the employer finds out that I'm disability. They drop their interested in me!