Wednesday, September 28, 2005

crazy time

everything is going up the roof. Too busy with school trying to catch up homework when i need everything in e text it takes a week to get everything straight for school that means i'm a week behind of homework.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The response: Taking Foothill Transit to the Los Angeles County Fair

In response to your complaint that the gate 1 stop at the Fairgrounds is not accessible for wheelchairs, I agree but what you have to do is call 1800RIDEINFO. We cannot do anything about the placement of the stop from this end. First Transit is only the contractor. You have to contact foothill with your concerns about this issue. In response to your incident with one of our drivers on 9/15/05, I want you to know that we take this issue very seriously here and the appropriate action will be taken to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your comment.

Here is the response from Phyllis Harrington, what should be done to change the gate 1 stop at the Fairgrounds bus stop?

I do apologize as I mistakenly sent your concern to the Pomona yard. Your concerns regarding wheel chair accessibility at gate 1 should have been directed to the Planning department. I will forward your e-mail to them so that they can address your concerns. Please let me know if you have any questions.

I received your comment this week regarding the bus stop at McKinley and Gate 1, near the Pomona Fairplex. I am aware of the bus stops located at the mentioned location. Foothill Transit has contacted the City of Pomona for the improvements. The City of Pomona stated that they have some kind of construction scheduled for this location; however, the time frame has not been determined. I will double check on the schedule of this construction. In the mean time, please feel free to utilize the nearest bus stop that meets ADA requirements at White and McKinley. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you and have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

start my third year at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

On 9/22/05 I will start my third year at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona .

my classes

URP 351 Section Component Description Grading Option Grade Units Status
Cls#: 70608 01 Lecture Instit. Framework for Planning Graded 4.00 Enrolled
1:00PM 2:50PM Tues,Thurs 7 203 09/22/2005 - 12/02/2005
Instructor: Mitchell,Jerry V
URP 488LS Section Component Description Grading Option Grade Units Status
Cls#: 73571 01 Laboratory Local Trnsprt Plng Lab Srvc Lr Graded 1.00 Enrolled
4:00PM 6:50PM Thurs 8 241 09/22/2005 - 12/02/2005
Instructor: Lund,Hollie M
URP 488S Section Component Description Grading Option Grade Units Status
Cls#: 73570 01 Lecture Local Transport Plan Srvc Lrng Graded 3.00 Enrolled
4:00PM 6:50PM Tues 8 241 09/22/2005 - 12/02/2005
Instructor: Lund,Hollie M

camping trip

I went on a camping trip with my sls provider . They took all the clients up to Mountain Lakes at Lyte Creek on 9/16 to 9/18/05. i was fishing all day and didn't catch anything. I had a relaxing time.

Friday, September 16, 2005

I started to go to the gym

On 9/14/05 I started to go to the gym to stretch my body out.

the gym is called

Movement Unlimited

120 East Lemon Ave
Monrovia CA 91016

(626) 359-4656

Everyone is welcome to join, if you are with RC they might fund for it.

I will two days week.

Taking Foothill Transit to the Los Angeles County Fair

On 9/15/05 bus 190 F1435 12 noon @ Claremont going west. The operator at first refused to tide me down. She told my attend to do it. We said no then she did it.

It happened on 9/15/05 around 5pm I don’t remember the operator’s badge and identification number, although it was one of 1300 buses.

Bus stop for 190 going east bound @gate 1 by the fair ground is NOT ACCESSABLE @ all. I was on the street and the operator almost didn’t pick me up but he did it blocking all the traffic to it. The west bound is the same except the operator let off in the driveway.

On 9/15/05 bus 187 F1456 5:40 pm @ Claremont going west. The operator was very nice

I already put in a complain to Foothill transit about this issues, they will get back to me. I'll keep update on this issues.

Abilities Resource Expo to be Held at L.A. County Fair on September 15 2005

Yesterday i did attend this event.

Abilities Resource Expo to be Held at L.A. County Fair on September 15 2005

Do you want to learn more about physical and developmental disabilities, and the various services, resources and supports available? If you answered yes, then the “Abilities Resource Expo” being held at the L.A. County Fair at the Fairplex in Pomona on Thursday, September 15, 2005 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. is your one-stop source for a variety of disability-specific information. “The most important step that anyone can take when it comes to ‘disability’ is to become informed,” says Keith Penman, executive director for San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center.

Representatives from California’s Regional Centers, Early Start and other infant and young children programs, programs for school age children, vocational/employment programs, adult programs, and family support organizations will be on hand to answer questions and raise awareness about disabilities, provide information and connect people with disabilities and their families with services, resources and supports that promote choice, empowerment, independence and full integration into community life for people with disabilities.

“Various disabilities, especially autism, have received considerable media attention lately, however, limited information about services, resources and supports that are available to enhance the lives of people with disabilities are ever mentioned,” adds Penman. The first-ever “Abilities Resource Expo” is being held to connect individuals with disabilities along with their families and caregivers with the individuals and organizations that are providing resources, services and supports, but also to educate the general public about disability issues in a fun, community-based environment.

The First Street Gallery Art Center of Claremont will display works from artists and students that include collage, painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture and assemblage as part of the Expo. “Through cultivation of artistic expression, people with significant challenges can develop creatively and make important contributions to the cultural and economic life of their communities,” shares Penman. In addition, the School of Fashion and Design of Pomona will display craft items.

The “Abilities Resource Expo” is the only way to become educated about disability issues and resources, and eat cotton candy, learn how to milk a cow and hear great music all in one day.

For more information about the “Abilities Resource Expo” visit

The Fairplex is conveniently located where the 10, 210 and 57 freeways meet approximately 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles and 10 miles west of Ontario International Airport. Two blocks north of the San Bernardino Freeway (10) accessible from Fairplex Drive, White Avenue or Garey Avenue freeway exits. The address is 1101 W. McKinley Ave., Pomona, CA 91768. Easily identifiable Fairplex signs are conveniently located throughout Pomona and neighboring communities to direct motorists. Directional signs are also prominent along nearby freeways. For more information about the L.A. County Fair visit

Monday, September 12, 2005

My income and Expenses for August 05


Bonus 348.50
Mail in Rebate 14.00
Groceries 2.16
Mom 0.00
Refund - Other 8.41

Total Refund 10.57
Salary 1,391.00
Caregiver 0.45

Total Inflows 1,764.52

In Home Support Services 559.00
On-line Service 32.70

Total Computer 32.70
Dining 5.73
Registration 656.89
Education - Other 7.82

Total Education 664.71
Gifts 1.61
Household 10.79
Groceries - Other 166.51

Total Groceries 177.30
Household 10.13
Miscellaneous 1.07
Postage 12.01
Office - Other 7.57

Total Office 19.58
Rent 432.50
Gas & Electric 19.38
Telephone 6.98

Total Utilities 26.36
To Caregiver 23.93

Total Outflows 1,954.62

Net Inflows/Outflows -190.10

How to get reduce utilities bills

Utilities Programs for low income individuals

Electric: Medical Baseline

Medical Baseline Allocation

Along with the change from lifeline to Baseline in 1982, the legislature established a new category of Baseline for customers that required electricity-powered life-support equipment. Called Medical Baseline, the additional allowance of kilwatthours (kWh) to be charged at the Baseline rate was determined by specific disabilities, and later expanded to include specific diseases.
The link below provides more information about SCE’s Medical Baseline Allocation Program:

Medical Baseline Allocation factsheet
You may download an electronic copy of the Medical Baseline Application in Adobe Acrobat format or request to have a paper copy mailed to you.

Medical Baseline Application
Upon application and accepted certification of a medical doctor or osteopath licensed to practice medicine in California, eligible residential customers are provided a standard year-round medical baseline allocation of 16.5 kWh per day in addition to the applicable baseline allocation for the season and their baseline region. However, under a "hardship clause," a higher medical baseline allocation may be provided.


Regular use in the customer's home of one or more medical life-support devices essential to maintain the life of a full-time resident of the household; and/or
A full-time resident of the household is: a paraplegic, hemiplegic, quadriplegic, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma patient, being treated for life-threatening illness, and/or has a compromised immune system.
Life support devices are those devices or equipment that utilize mechanical or artificial means to sustain, restore or supplant a vital function, or mechanical equipment relied upon for mobility both within and outside of buildings.

Life-support devices include
Aerosol Tent
Pressure Pad
Apnea Monitor
Pressure Pump
Respirator (all types)
Electronic Nerve Stimulator
Suction Machine
Ultrasonic Nebulizer
Electrostatic Nebulizer
Inhalation Pulmonary Pressure
Breather Machine (IPPB)
Iron Lung
Dialysis Machine
Hemodialysis Machine
Motorized Wheelchair
Oxygen Generator


Gas: California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)

Telephone: Life Line

If RC does not listen to the individual

Regional Center (RC)

A. Area Boards

B. Department of Developmental Services (DDS)

C. Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA

How to get services started

To get started with services

1 You Client/Consumer

2 Regional Center (RC)

3 Supported Living Services (SLS)

A. Social Security (SSI and SSA)

B. In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

C. Access Services

D. Caregiver

Friday, September 09, 2005

How to receive services from RC


It seems great and easy to handle, IT'S NOT

Who Do We Serve?

San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center provides services to individuals who have the following:

* mental retardation;
* cerebral palsy;
* epilepsy;
* autism; and
* other conditions closely related to mental retardation.

The disability must have originated before the age of 18, be expected to continue indefinitely and constitute a substantial handicap for the individual.
In addition, persons who have a high risk of parenting a child with a developmental disability are eligible for regional center services.

Also eligible are those infants and toddlers age birth to 36 months for whom a need for early intervention services is documented and who meet criteria in one of the following categories:

* Infants and toddlers with developmental delay
* Infants and toddlers with established risk conditions
* Infants and toddlers who are at high risk of becoming developmentally disabled.


Services Provided

San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center can provide the following services:

* Diagnosis and Evaluation
* Assistance in Finding and Using Community Resources
* Service Coordination
* Individual Program Planning
* Information and Referral
* Prevention Services
* Advocacy
* Community Education
* Resource Development
* Purchase of Certain Services


Regional Centers Systems

California's has 21 regional centers with more than 40 offices located throughout the state that serve individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

You can go to to see which one falls in your area.
Then you can apply for this benefit or services by contacting your local Regional Center

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Differences between Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Survivor (Survivor Benefits) (SSA)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

A Federal supplemental income program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes). It helps aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income by providing monthly cash payments to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. For more information see Supplemental Security Income.


The individual is limit to $2000.00 per month in any accounts.

Social Security Administration benefits (SSA)

You should apply for survivors benefits promptly because, in some cases, benefits will be paid from the time you apply and not from the time the worker died.

You can apply by telephone or at any Social Security office. We will need certain information, but do not delay applying if you do not have everything. We will help you get what you need. We need either original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them.

The information we need includes:

Proof of death—either from a funeral home or death certificate;
Your Social Security number, as well as the deceased worker’s;
Your birth certificate;
Your marriage certificate, if you are a widow or widower;
Your divorce papers, if you are applying as a divorced widow or widower;
Dependent children’s Social Security numbers, if available;
Deceased worker’s W-2 forms or federal self-employment tax return for the most recent year; and
The name of your bank and your account number so your benefits can be deposited directly into your account.
If you are already getting Social Security benefits

If you are getting benefits as a wife or husband based on your spouse’s work, when you report the death to us, we will change your payments to survivors benefits. If we need more information, we will contact you.

If you are getting benefits based on your own work, call or visit us, and we will check to see if you can get more money as a widow or widower. You will receive the higher benefit, not a combination of the two types of benefits. You will need to complete an application to switch to survivors benefits, and we will need to see your spouse’s death certificate.

Benefits for any children automatically will be changed to survivors benefits after the death is reported to us. We will contact you if we need more information.

How much will I receive?
The benefit amount is based on the earnings of the person who died. The more the worker paid into Social Security, the greater your benefits will be.

Social Security uses the deceased worker’s basic benefit amount and calculates what percentage survivors are entitled to. The percentage depends on the survivors’ ages and relationship to the worker. Here are the most typical situations:

A widow or widower, at full retirement age or older, receives 100 percent of the worker’s basic benefit amount
A widow or widower, age 60 or older, but under full retirement age, receives about 71-99 percent of the worker’s basic benefit amount; or
A widow or widower, any age, with a child under age 16, receives 75 percent of the worker’s benefit amount.
Children receive 75 percent of the worker’s benefit amount.
Maximum family benefits
There is a limit to the benefits that can be paid to you and other family members each month. The limit varies, but is generally between 150 and 180 percent of the deceased’s benefit amount.

What if I work?
If you work while getting Social Security survivors benefits and are younger than full retirement age, your benefits may be reduced if your earnings exceed certain limits. (The full retirement age was 65 for people born before 1938 but will gradually increase to 67 for people born in 1960 or later.) To find out what the earnings limits are this year and how earnings above those limits reduce your Social Security benefits, contact us to request the publication, How Work Affects Your Benefits (Publication No. 05-10069).

There is no earnings limit after you reach full retirement age.

Also, your earnings will reduce only your benefits, not the benefits of other family members.

What if I remarry?
Generally, you cannot get widow’s or widower’s benefits if you remarry before age 60. But remarriage after age 60 (or age 50 if you are disabled) will not prevent you from getting benefit payments based on your former spouse’s work. And at age 62 or older, you may get benefits based on your new spouse’s work, if those benefits would be higher.

Right to appeal
If you disagree with a decision made on your claim, you can appeal it. The steps you can take are explained in the publication, The Appeals Process (Publication No. 05-10041), which is available from Social Security.

You have the right to be represented by an attorney or other qualified person of your choice. More information is in the publication, Your Right To Representation (Publication No. 05-10075), which is also available from Social Security.


The individual is not limit to any $ in any accounts.

You can apply for this benefit or services by contacting your local Social Security office

Experience with IHSS

Requirements with IHSS:

1 Need to disabled or I think 75 years or older

2 Income limit is $820.00 for the individual to receive per month and can not excised over $2000.00 limit. Under that individual name at all times.

3 If that individual receiving more then the required limit, then individual need to co-pay for this benefit or services. The individual still needs to stay under the $2000.00 limit. To continue eligibility to this benefit or service.

You can apply for this benefit or services by contacting your local social services office.

Involement in the community

Aside from being a student in Cal Poly, I am actively involve in the community. Presently I am serving my second term as a member of the board of San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center for people with Developmental Disability representing the Association of Regional Centers Agency (ARCA) As a member of the board, I am also the Chairperson for the Clients' Rights Committee where we meet regularly every 4th Wednesday of the month.
I am also involved in Foothill Transit for the American Diability Act (ADA) where we try to make traveling with bus more accessible, more comfortable to senior citizens, disabled persons and wheelchair bound people. We regularly meet ones every three months at the Foothill Transit main office in West Covina.

Services for Support

I use the follow services:

Access Services

San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center

Social Security (SSI and SSA)

In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

These are basic services on daily basis.


My name is Andy C, I have a Quadropellegic Cerebral Palsy disability. This disability is characterized by uncontrolled muscle reflexes unabling me to write, or walk thus making me a wheelchair bound person. However, I am mentally smart. In fact, I do a lot of things through my computer not with my hands but with my ...CHIN. Since 1998 January 1th, I am have been living by my own with the support from three Supported Living Services (SLS) agencies. The current SLS is All About You, LLC. affiliated with San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center. I also a student California Polytechnic University in Pomona, California major in Urban Regional Planning. I am hoping that this Blog will give parents and people with a disable a insight of life.